October 3, 2011

Mauricio-3 years old

Hi! My name is Mauricio and I live here in Santa Cruz. I am the youngest of three boys in my family. My dad is a micro (city bus/transportation) driver and my mom sells refreshments in a very busy area with lots of people. For this reason, I am in the daycare. It is too dangerous for me to stay with my mother during her work.

I have had problems in my development at a young age and it was always hard for me to move quickly, such as running and jumping. However, each day I am getting better and stronger. I love being at the daycare as I am always able to play with the other children there, as well as try and help my professors! I love giving hugs and kisses to all the professors.

Last week, while playing on the playground, I fell off and landed on my arm. As it had just healed from breaking it a few months ago, it broke again and hurt so bad! I had to stay numerous days in the hospital as the doctors examined everything over. Thankfully I did not have to have surgery. It is also a hard time because my mother and father are both traveling and I am staying with my aunt for the current time.

I ask that you pray for my health each day, and especially for my arm. I want to spend time back at the daycare with my friends, but at this time I am unable to come. I also ask that you pray for my family and that God will help solve some of the problems that my parents have.


Remember Mauricio in prayer, especially in this time with his arm. The medical system in Bolivia is not the best and if money is not present, you are not always promised care. This is a major concern and we are doing everything possible to get Mauricio the appropriate care. Also pray that problems in the family could rapidly be resolved!

Paz, La Guarderia Samuelito
-Proverbios 22.6

1 comment:

  1. Aaay! Mi Mauricio! ya escuché de los problemas de su familia, que triste. estoy orando mucho para mi bebé. dale un besito de mi, y le diga que yo le quiero mucho!! ¡muchaj graciaj!
